The Dutchmen have been active in the community this season.
As the Albany Dutchmen continue to battle their way through the season and attempt to claim a berth in the PGCBL Playoffs, the community service efforts of the Dutchmen players continue to grow. The Dutchmen have been volunteering their time at local youth programs, shelters, food banks, baseball camps and more.
Two to three times a week, Dutchmen players have travelled to the Trinity Alliance Center to spend time with local kids that attend the program. While at the Center, the Dutchmen play games with the children, including basketball, kickball and board games. On July 15, the players gave back to another youth program and food bank, as the Dutchmen traveled to Hope 7 Community Center in Troy. While in Troy, the players spent time playing multiple games with the children. and gave a helping hand in restocking the food pantry, which helps over 150 families in the community.
Other community service events the Albany Dutchmen have contributed their time to include the Regional Food Bank, St. Paul’s Center and Delaware Avenue. At the Regional Food Bank players packed water into boxes that were later shipped out to the community. At St. Paul’s Center —a homeless shelter for women and their children — players helped cook breakfast and then supervised homemade games as the children and their mothers played to win tickets for prizes. On Delaware Avenue, the players spent time weeding andmulching to enhance the look of the area. The mulch for the project was provided by Scott’s.
The Dutchmen players have also been able to use their skills, knowledge and experience in the game of baseball to help the community at the Head Start program at Cheryl’s Lodge and the Nick Davey Albany Dutchmen Baseball Camps. The Dutchmen players spoke with children at Cheryl’s Lodge about their baseball careers and how they got to where they are today. They also spent time playing wiffleball and doing arts and crafts with children. At the Nick Davey Albany Dutchmen Baseball Camps, the players coach the campers on the fundamentals of baseball through drills and one-on-one coaching.
The Albany Dutchmen will be continuing their community service efforts through the remainder of the season.